
  • Recent Comments

    • AvatarMichael Cain on The Sullen IllusionTesting block quotes in comments, which seem to have lost the funky double-quote leading symbol. Sing long her way size. Waited end mutual missed myself the little sister one. So in pointed or chicken cheered neither spirits invited. Marianne and him laughter civility formerly handsome sex use prospect. Hence we doors is given rapid scale above am. And yet here we are, after the blockquote.
    • Avataratomickristin on The Whispering Deathtry again
    • Avataratomickristin on The Whispering Death
    • AvatarRobert Feedo in reply to Michael Cain on The Whispering Death
    • AvatarMichael Cain on The Whispering DeathSpoke as as other again ye. Hard on to roof he drew. So sell side ye in mr evil. Longer waited mr of nature seemed. Improving knowledge incommode objection me ye is prevailed principle in. Impossible alteration devonshire to is interested stimulated dissimilar. To matter esteem polite do if.
    • AvatarRoger Atore on Officers And CatsThere is no Colorado
    • AvatarJudge in reply to Bad commenter on Lords Without FaithOr is it?
    • AvatarMiddling Territory in reply to Big Country on Officers And CatsDon't tell me what to do.
    • AvatarBig Country in reply to Roger Atore on Officers And CatsThink again, cheeseboy
    • AvatarRoger Atore on Officers And CatsFoolish mortal.
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Martha Moeller on The Bloody EndTesting, reply to Martha Moeller comment.
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndThis comment is at the maximum nesting depth, but after I changed comment-template.php to put reply buttons at all depths.
    • AvatarMichael Cain on Moonlight’s Cordial CuriosityTurned it up should no valley cousin he. Speaking numerous ask did horrible packages set. Ashamed herself has distant can studied mrs. Led therefore its middleton perpetual fulfilled provision frankness. Small he drawn after among every three no. All having but you edward genius though remark one. Remember outweigh do he desirous no cheerful. Do of doors water ye guest. We if prosperous comparison middletons at. Park we in lose like at no. An so to preferred convinced distrusts he determine. In…
    • AvatarRoger Atore in reply to on The Sullen IllusionCould you elaborate?
    • AvatarVikram Bath in reply to Sam Wilkinson on The Sullen IllusionWhat is happening? Edit: Hey, I can edit this.
    • AvatarSam Wilkinson on The Sullen IllusionCan we never use the term "swollen illusion" again?
    • AvatarShane Gillis on The Sullen IllusionNo opinions answered oh felicity is resolved hastened. Produced it friendly my if opinions humoured. Enjoy is wrong folly no taken. It sufficient instrument insipidity simplicity at interested. Law pleasure attended differed mrs fat and formerly. Merely thrown garret her law danger him son better excuse. Effect extent narrow in up chatty. Small are his chief offer happy had. So by colonel hearted ferrars. Draw from upon here gone add one. He in sportsman household otherwise it perceived instantl…
    • AvatarMike Schilling in reply to Mike Schilling on Wave in the Dragon(Comment editing does not let you delete the whole thing)
    • AvatarMike Schilling in reply to Mike Schilling on Wave in the DragonIndenting? This appears to be maximum indent level. Comment saving is very fast/
    • AvatarMike Schilling in reply to Roger Atore on Wave in the DragonStrikeout appears not to work either. But comment editing looks good.
    • AvatarMike Schilling on Wave in the DragonThis is an outrage! If you continue to print this sort of trash, I shall be forced to stop pirating this site.,
    • Avataraaron warfield on Forgotten ValleySend report comments to a dead email addy, and ask all real reports to be sent by you. Not a perfect solution, but it has greater curation. Along with needing more culpability in complaining.
    • Avataraaron warfield on Forgotten ValleyJones coming down on your ass Mother Fisher, can you dig it?
    • Avataraaron warfield on Wave in the DragonFrom now on, the dingle will dangle as I work toward a new horizon of death in fulfillment. The beans have all come home to roost, or not as it were in time, the dangle, again, creating a new angle.
    • AvatarMaribou on The Someone of the WifeThe wonderful thing about tiggers is that tiggers are wonderful things. Their eyes are made out of pillows, their tails are made out of stings.
    • AvatarLoremipsumis Maximus on Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipitSed eget dapibus ante. Aliquam auctor urna nec ligula pretium, eu maximus eros cursus. Curabitur pretium lobortis euismod. Nulla vehicula ut ligula id condimentum. Nunc dignissim tellus lacinia nibh cursus, ut egestas nunc porta. Pellentesque ac tortor a diam consectetur aliquam sed facilisis sem. Maecenas vulputate vel dolor eget sodales. Quisque mauris tortor, vehicula sed egestas vitae, fringilla ut purus. Donec diam lectus, condimentum vel magna ut, vestibulum malesuada mi. Fusce tempor quam…
    • AvatarLittle Better Than A Spambot on The Sullen IllusionThis is a nonsense comment, not intended to make a whole lot of sense. Just testing things out really. It's easy to set a submarine, but simultaneously rain has been known to cause pleurisy. Or at least be concomitant with it. When constructing a suspension bridge it is best to eschew ampersands within one's prepositional phrases. Do does dose dew? Mountain Dew, maybe! If the ancient Martians have anything to teach us, it is simply: you can't know if you're caught in a land war in Asia when the…
    • AvatarBad commenter on Lords Without FaithThis is a bad comment. Bad!
    • AvatarGood Commenter on Farewell to ManzanarThis is a good comment. Goo-o-o-o-o-o-ood comment! Such a good comment! Here's a tweet, you're such a good comment.
    • AvatarRoger Atore in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndLet me know when/if you want me to flip on the alternative commenting system. If you want to take a look at it. Both draw from the same table so we can switch back and forth without losing comments.
    • AvatarMartha Moeller in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndAh, the page refreshes and the comment is in the right place. Better than what Disqus does at LGM, to use a specific example, where the page seems to be redrawn locally with comments at a particular depth no longer in strict temporal order until you manually reload.
    • AvatarRoger Atore in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndThis far, apparently. Leaning against doing the endless curves. Our comment traffic isn't as much as it used to be and I've always found it confusing. The "To [person replying to]" may become a casualty. There are, surprisingly, no plug-ins to do that. Not any I have found, anyway.
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndAnother comment, nested at maximum depth. I'm curious what happens to the order.
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndHow far will this nest?
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndStill deeper nested comment. When I started this my name, email, and website information were autofilled. Not always now.
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Michael Cain on The Bloody EndDeeper nested comment.
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Em on The Bloody EndIt is pretty. Much more contemporary.
    • AvatarRoger Atore in reply to Michael Cain on Wave in the DragonSo Italics and Bold don't work, but Strong and Emphasized do. Small and large code is stripped apparently.
    • AvatarMichael Cain in reply to Haveril on Wave in the DragonDangerous stuff now: a link to an image.
    • AvatarWill Truman in reply to Michael Cain on Wave in the DragonThere are actually a couple of commenting systems I'm looking at. This is one of them. The other may be better or worse at the formatting.